Learn how to elevate your action and inspire others

Streaming Live Wednesday, September 8 from 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM EST

RSVP below to attend a session on how volunteers can help form new partnerships and grow the environmental movement.  Build the bridge between Earth Day HQ and environmental action in your area!

Our Regional Coordinators are essential part of how we are able to get communities across the world active, not only for Earth Day, but also for year-round environmental action! Join our workshop on September 8th at 3:00 PM EST to learn how you can play a crucial role in ensuring that local efforts are supported and expanded in all areas of the United States.


Are you part of an organization that wants to make a difference? The partnerships we form with local and national groups are essential to the success of Earth Day.
Become a partner organization today.
If you are organizing an event on or near Earth Day, please add the event to our map to boost attendance and give your local efforts global recognition. This map is open to everyone regardless of partnership.