51 Ways You Can restore our earth™
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Global Faith Prayer & Land Acknowledgement
Remarks from His Holiness Pope Francis
AJR Musical Performance
Earth Definition: Conversation and Film on Digital Carbon Footprint
Message from Ed Begley Jr. & Amanda Begley
Panel: Climate Change and Overpopulation. New documentary 8 BILLION ANGELS, asks, “Are there too many of us for planet Earth?”
The Canopy Project Spotlight: Sierra Gorda
The Story of Biochar
Message from HSH Prince Albert II
Highlights from Earth Uprising’s “Youth Speaks Summit 2021”
Remarks from Tom Lovejoy on Climate Restoration
Conversation on the benefits of plant-based diets with Dr. Michael Greger and Jillian Semaan
Arctic Angels Panel: Intergenerational Action on the Ice Crisis
Food Waste Conversation with EARTHDAY.ORG’s Jillian Semaan and Caue Suplicy - Founder/CEO Barnana.
TED Animation: “Can We Create The Perfect Farm?”
Panel: Natural Solutions and Regenerative Agriculture with Andrea Illy CEO Illy Cafe
Grace Potter Performance
Artists for the Earth: International Museums Special Curation of Art on Climate
Introducing the World to Mr. Trash Wheel
Technical Solutions to Improve Indoor Air Quality with Delos CEO Paul Scialla
Message from Tom Steyer
Carbon Dioxide Air Capture Technology. Climeworks filters CO₂ directly from ambient air
High Performance Electric Vehicle Racing: Pure ETCR showcases electric vehicle technology
TED Countdown Original Talk “Electric flying” by Cory Combs
TED Countdown Original Talk “How to talk convincingly about climate change” by John Marshall
Message from Sza
Conversation between Nick Clegg and Dr. Ayana Johnson
TED Countdown Original Talk by Rumaitha Al Busaidi
Ben Jealous and Phil Radford Discuss Environmental Justice in Banking
Scaling Individual Into Collective Action: Panel with Aspiration CEO Andrei Cherny, Kevin O’Leary and Kathleen Rogers
Ricky Kej Performance
Message from Sir José Ramos-Horta
Heba Alfarra Discusses Importance of Climate Literacy and Climate Activism
Message from Governor of São Paulo, João Doria
Discussion Between Mayor Victoria Woodards and Clarence E. Anthony, CEO and Executive Director of National League of Cities
Letter from Generation Z to Planet Earth: Presented by Sk*p
Interview of Lucas Niepold, Incoming Student at Bristol Community College Studying Renewable Energy
Interview with Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC
Interview with Gabriel Quijandría, Minister of the Environment, Peru
TED Animation: “Why is the World Warming Up?” Voiced by Kristen Bell
Irish Lullaby by The Mahers Family
Panel: Urgent Need for Climate Literacy with Michael S. Regan, Haldis Holst, Patrizio Bianchi
Message from Mitzi Jonelle Tan, Climate Justice Activist
Message from Gina McCarthy, White House National Climate Advisor
Interview of Dame Karen Pierce, British Ambassador to the United States
Highlights from Hip Hop Caucus’ “We Shall Breathe” Summit
Highlights from Education International’s “Teach for the Planet: Global Education Summit”
Message from Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms
Discussion on the State of Restoration in Africa
Message from Favianna Rodriguez
Conversation between Fr. Joshtrom Isaac Kureethadam and Kathleen Rogers
Conversation between John Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy on Climate Change and Denis Hayes, Organizer of the First Earth Day
Performance by Brothers Osborne and Lucie Silvas with Introduction from Mary Steenburgen
Support EARTHDAY.ORG for a better April 22 each year
Become a memberA summit held by President Biden, live from leaders around the world beginning on Earth Day
Earth Day 2021 began with a global youth climate summit led by Earth Uprising, in collaboration with My Future My Voice, OneMillionOfUs and hundreds of youth climate activists.
The global youth summit consisted of panels, speeches, discussions, and special messages with today’s youth climate activists including Greta Thunberg, and Alexandria Villaseñor.
In the evening of April 20, the Hip Hop Caucus and its partners presented the “We Shall Breathe” virtual summit. This digital event examined climate and environmental justice, connecting the climate crisis to issues of pollution, poverty, police brutality, and the pandemic, all within a racial justice framework.
Education International, representing 32 million educators, led the “Teach for the Planet: Global Education Summit”.
The multilingual virtual summit spanned several time zones and featured prominent activists from every continent, focused on the crucial role that educators play in combating climate change and why we need transformative climate education now.
Parallel to the Biden Administration’s global climate summit, EARTHDAY.ORG had its second Earth Day Live digital event, right here.
Workshops, panel discussions, and special performances focused on Restore Our Earth™ — covering natural processes, emerging green technologies, and innovative thinking that can restore the world’s ecosystems.
More topics included:
World climate leaders, grassroots activists, nonprofit innovators, thought leaders, industry leaders, artists, musicians, influencers, and the leaders of tomorrow gathered to push us towards a better world.
Are you part of an organization that is planning something for the next Earth Day? Partner with us today to share logos with EARTHDAY.ORG and work together to support the movement. Then use our toolkit to help plan your event!
Climate change and other environmental degradations have broken our natural systems, leading to new and fatal diseases as well as a breakdown of the global economy. But just as climate change and coronavirus painfully remind us of the harm we’ve caused, Restore Our Earth reminds us of the opportunities that lay ahead.
We must Restore Our Earth not just because we care about the natural world, but because we live on it. Every one of us needs a healthy Earth to support our jobs, livelihoods, health & survival, and happiness. A healthy planet is not an option — it is a necessity.
One effort after Earth Day 2021 will be our global push for climate literacy, so the leaders of tomorrow can prepare solutions today. Learn more and sign on to support the effort here:
DonateWe're proud to partner with the Future Food Institute for a special live event
Sessions 1-4:
11pm Eastern (GMT-4) - 3am Eastern
Sessions 5-9:
3am Eastern (GMT-4) - 6.45am Eastern
Sessions 10-14:
6.45am Eastern (GMT-4) - 10.30am Eastern
Agata Lukasiewicz | Earth Activist
Alex Hershaft | Earth Activist
Allison Horner | Earth Activist
Allyn Mcauley | Earth Activist
Amy Nicolo | Champion of the Earth
Andrea Sutherland | Earth Activist
Andrew Escaler | Earth Activist
Ann Nye | Earth Activist
Ariane Carpenter | Earth Activist
Austin Varley | Earth Activist
Barbara Carroll | Champion of the Earth
Brett Mador | Defender of the Earth
Bruce Bender | Defender of the Earth
Cami Oyler | Earth Activist
Carolyn Strauss | Champion of the Earth
Christina Guthman | Defender of the Earth
Christina Riordan | Defender of the Earth
Christine Hayes | Earth Activist
Cindi Alexander | Defender of the Earth
Connie Call | Earth Activist
Daniel Baxter | Champion of the Earth
Darlene Squibb | Earth Activist
David Leon | Champion of the Earth
David Mason | Earth Activist
Derick Jaros | Defender of the Earth
Diana Gaston | Defender of the Earth
Diana Wege | Champion of the Earth
Edward Wethered | Earth Activist
Elizabeth Buck | Defender of the Earth
Ellie Jarman | Earth Activist
Emily Barton | Defender of the Earth
Fernando Abruna | Defender of the Earth
Frances Stewart | Champion of the Earth
Gaurav S | Earth Activist
Gene And Dori Peters | Earth Activist
Genevieve Perdue | Earth Activist
Gerbrand Marbus | Earth Activist
Graeme Magruder | Earth Activist
Haylee Barros | Earth Activist
Heo Junhee | Defender of the Earth
James Lenfestey | Earth Activist
Jamie Hall | Defender of the Earth
Janice Schaefer | Earth Activist
Jason Fowlds | Defender of the Earth
Javier Moreno | Earth Activist
Jean Miller | Defender of the Earth
Jennifer Hunter | Champion of the Earth
Jesse Buller | Defender of the Earth
Jessica Vaughan | Champion of the Earth
Jill Wintersteen | Earth Activist
Jitka MartãNkovã¡ | Earth Activist
John Beaudry | Earth Activist
John Francis O'Connor, Jr. | Earth Activist
Juan Manuel Tungüi Olivo | Earth Activist
Katherine Camp | Earth Activist
Kevin Smith | Defender of the Earth
Kim Larson | Defender of the Earth
Krista Sarmiento | Earth Activist
Kristine Sinn | Earth Activist
Kyle Jones | Defender of the Earth
Kyra Kovach | Earth Activist
Lana Trick | Champion of the Earth
Laura Dibonaventura | Earth Activist
Laurie Garrec | Champion of the Earth
Laurie Howell | Earth Activist
Lawrence Collen | Defender of the Earth
Linda Knight | Earth Activist
Linda Nicholes | Defender of the Earth
Linda Woestendiek | Champion of the Earth
Linyue Zhang | Earth Activist
Loulani Lewis-Middleton | Earth Activist
Luke Fay | Earth Activist
Martha Rowllett | Earth Activist
Martin Digweed | Earth Activist
Mary Spielberg | Champion of the Earth
Matt Noel-Bentley | Defender of the Earth
Maximo Lorenzo | Defender of the Earth
Melanie Winters | Defender of the Earth
Michael Ackerman | Earth Activist
Michael Kublin | Earth Activist
Michael Shannon | Earth Activist
Michelle Mcgee | Earth Activist
Mike Van Cleve | Earth Activist
Mingji Lu | Defender of the Earth
Monica Steury | Earth Activist
Monique Zaidi | Earth Activist
Murt O'Reilly | Earth Activist
Nancy Anderson | Earth Activist
Nathan Kilgore | Earth Activist
Nimesh Shah | Champion of the Earth
Pamela Morgan | Earth Activist
Pankaj Patel | Earth Activist
Paola Favuzza | Earth Activist
Paola Gianturco | Champion of the Earth
Paola Gianturco | Champion of the Earth
Patricia Bowne | Earth Activist
Peter Bross | Earth Activist
Peter Shapiro | Champion of the Earth
Petra Leithner | Earth Activist
Phil Haughton | Champion of the Earth
Priscillia Charles | Defender of the Earth
Renee Jansen | Gift Membership
Rhea Ang | Defender of the Earth
Richard Marks | Defender of the Earth
Robert Lord | Champion of the Earth
Robert Thomas | Defender of the Earth
Robert White | Champion of the Earth
Roberta Bumann | Earth Activist
Robin & Matt Bogoshian | Earth Activist
Sabina Duke | Earth Activist
Sam Chivers | Earth Activist
Saumya Agrawal | Earth Activist
Sharoll Sheffield | Champion of the Earth
Sharon Mullen | Earth Activist
Simon Bouchard-Levesque | Defender of the Earth
Simone Cooper | Defender of the Earth
Stephanie Bartoli | Earth Activist
Stephanie Bradshaw | Earth Activist
Stephen (Steve) Plank | Defender of the Earth
Stephen Anderson | Defender of the Earth
Stephen Scaduto | Earth Activist
Steve Dobson | Earth Activist
Steven Jones | Earth Activist
Sue B | Earth Activist
Susan Hoppe | Earth Activist
Susan Williamsen | Defender of the Earth
Suzanne Lang | Earth Activist
Sydia Maia Mattozo Rebouças | Defender of the Earth
Tammy Ray | Earth Activist
Thomas Berwald | Earth Activist
Thomas Haberl | Defender of the Earth
Thomas Palmer | Champion of the Earth
Todd King | Earth Activist
Toshie Leopold | Earth Activist
Truong Phuong Thao | Earth Activist
Vincent Brøndum | Champion of the Earth
William Winstone | Earth Activist
Wren Maple | Earth Activist
Yen-Chan Wu | Earth Activist
Zoe Edington | Earth Activist