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Regenerative Agriculture Quiz
Regenerative Agriculture Quiz
Take our quiz and learn about regenerative agriculture.
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Every year, the United States loses approximately 996 million metric tons of soil through erosion.
Correct! Wrong!
Which of the following is NOT a regenerative agriculture practice?
Correct! Wrong!
The correct answer is monoculture.
Can low input agriculture be profitable if a landowner manages a healthy regenerative farm that functions as an ecosystem?
Correct! Wrong!
What is the practice of growing a series of different types of crops in the same area across a sequence of growing seasons? This practice reduces reliance on one set of nutrients, pest and weed pressure, and the probability of developing resistant pest and weeds
Correct! Wrong!
The correct answer is crop rotation.
What percentage of the world’s forests have been destroyed?
Correct! Wrong!
The correct answer is 46%.
Carbon dioxide is the most commonly used greenhouse gas.
Correct! Wrong!
What sector is the 2nd largest contributor to human-made greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and is a leading cause of deforestation, water and air pollution and biodiversity loss?
Correct! Wrong!
The correct answer is animal agriculture.
What type of farming is defined by the creation of beneficial ecological outcomes?
Correct! Wrong!
The correct answer is regenerative.
Which of the following pesticides are banned in other countries but not the U.S.?
Correct! Wrong!
The correct answer is All of the above.
Regenerative Agriculture Quiz
Agriculture Novice
You are an agriculture novice! You are new to learning about agriculture and how it affects our planet. Climate change is probably important to you and you are making an effort to learn about all the ways you can make a positive impact on our planet. With some more work, you are on your way to becoming an agriculture expert!
Agriculture Expert
You are an agriculture expert! Regenerative agriculture is nothing new to you. You probably love learning about sustainability and how our actions can affect the climate. You are someone who pays attention to where your food is coming from and how it is created. Keep up the good work and you will become an agriculture specialist before you know it!
Agriculture Specialist
Wow! You are an agriculture specialist! You know a ton of information about agriculture and the different sustainable farming practices. You probably love engaging in activities like composting and strive to educate yourself on how you can contribute sustainably to our food ecosystem. Sustainability and the environment are at the top of your priorities. Keep up the great work!
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