The Canopy Project

Leaf it to Reforestation to Save Our Habitats

The deforestation crisis we face today results in increased carbon dioxide emissions and decreased carbon sequestration. It also decimates large numbers of animals within the boundaries of the logging site, harming the ecosystem and displacing millions of species.

As we fight the climate crisis, it is critical for our planet to regenerate the ecosystems lost from logging through reforestation efforts. October 2, 2023, is the 37th World Habitat Day on record. Since 1986, The United Nations has used this day to call for international initiatives to assist developing countries with serious environmental issues, like harmful deforestation.

Why We Must Rehabilitate Degraded Ecosystems?

Statistical data regarding the global rate of deforestation can be measured analyzing satellite images. One study  revealed approximately 11 soccer fields were logged or burned every minute globally last year alone. And, a study by The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization noted 10 million hectares of forest are lost yearly.

Biodiversity is a fundamental requirement for a healthy ecosystem. It has an extraordinary role in human life by providing psychologically beneficial places for recreation, food security, raw materials used for modern medicines; it preserves genetic diversity within plant and animal species, stops erosion, and more.

Forests are the leading producers of the world’s oxygen and sequester large amounts of carbon dioxide within the trees and soil’s mass. As forests reduce carbon dioxide levels and produce oxygen, they reduce the potential for climate change in the world.

The Canopy Project Provides Hope for Many

The Canopy Project, is a beacon of hope for many communities dealing with environmental degradation through an immense effort to replant trees in deforested areas of the world. 

The Canopy Project has planted tens of millions of trees successfully all over the globe. One of the many plantings managed by The Canopy Project is on Mount Elgon in Uganda, where they are reforesting on the hillsides of the mountain to prevent erosion, saving lives and their farms from devastation.

Another successful reforestation project by The Canopy Project took place in Sierra Gorda Reserve, Mexico, where EARTHDAY.ORG members distributed native tree saplings to local communities for planting to enhance the area’s biodiversity, which 100,000 people inhabit.

How Does the Canopy Project Work?

The Canopy Project is an international campaign that provides a strategic approach to reforestation through community involvement. It helps communities suffering from environmental degradation to reduce climate change and increase biodiversity.

The Canopy Project partners with government agencies and technical organizations to teach local workers how to care for reforested tree plantings for years to come. You can track the progress of The Canopy Project by pinpointing all the successful projects we’ve completed on Our Reforestation Map.

How Can You Get Involved?

Getting involved with EARTHDAY.ORG’s The Canopy Project campaign is a meaningful way to contribute to global reforestation efforts. There are several ways you can participate. First and foremost, consider making a donation to support the planting of trees in critical areas around the world. Every contribution, no matter how small, plays a vital role in combating climate change and preserving biodiversity. 

Additionally, you can organize or participate in local tree-planting events in your community. This hands-on approach allows you to directly contribute to the campaign’s mission while fostering a sense of environmental stewardship among your peers. You can also help spread awareness by engaging with EARTHDAY.ORG’s online resources. Together, we can make a significant difference in restoring and protecting our planet’s vital ecosystems.