End Plastics

INC Diary – Day 3

Monday November 13

Sleep:  Slept!!

Mood: Bring it on plastics.

Woke up refreshed and set off at 8am to the UN building to get cracking. Have a good feeling about today.

Got the the UN. I shouldn’t have felt so upbeat.

The wrench hit me right between the eyes: Iran (which produces 3.5 million barrels of crude oil per day) decided to announce it was a forming a coalition of ‘like minded nations’. They are joining with the Saudis (combined they are number 1 and number 2 nations in terms of oil production in the Middle East) and who knows who else.  But a wild guess would be er, other oil producing nations?? 

Got to the UN.
I shouldn’t have felt so upbeat.

The rumor is that Russia and China are probably waiting in the wings to join. But there is no confirmation yet.  The US should be in there too if producing alone was the criteria –  the Us produces nearly 12 million barrels of crude oil per day and 8 million of petroleum per day. But not surprinsgly America’s been deemed not “like minded’ – so that is one club they are not invited to. 

Having said that America is not falling over itself to support the Treaty. 

So, now our anti plastics coalition has yet another group challenging us –  I wonder if Iran and the Saudi’s will call themselves #WeWillNeverStop Producing PlasticsAndYou CannotMakeUs? It is beginning to feel that way. 

I suddenly feel very tired again. The only good thing is that my report is coming out on November 15th, BABIES VS. PLASTICS. We have got to keep pushing for change as if our lives depended on it because they do.