Artists for the Earth

Artists in the Middle East spread awareness for Earth Day

Art affects people on a personal level — inspiring action and instilling a deeper consciousness of the world around us. It can also be a powerful tool to spread awareness of environmental issues and climate change, both of which profoundly affect our existence.  

Even as the world shutters in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, people are finding solace in making art and sharing it with others. And, a few young Middle Eastern painters — influenced by other activists and Earth Day Network’s Artists for the Earth campaign — are using their talents to fight climate change.

Sana Hussein

With a career spanning more than nine years, Sana Hussein joined the environmental movement after seeing how a changing climate directly impacts her community of Konya, Turkey. Using modern art techniques, Hussein reflects on the importance of saving our environment and motivating others to take action.

“Earth Beauty,” by Sana Hussein

For the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, she contributed three portraits: “Earth Beauty,” “Tulips” and “Daisy Flowers.” In all her pieces, Hussein emphasizes the role of women in fighting climate change. 

Aysha Al Musdi

Aysha Al Musdi learned to draw by watching YouTube tutorials. She creates pieces about the environment and teaching complex techniques to other aspiring artists in Turkey. 

“Our One and Only Earth,” by Aysha Al Musdi

Al Musdi painted this piece, entitled “Our One and Only Earth,” in honor of Earth Day. She used greens and blues to depict the liveliness and gorgeousness of our planet. 

Nour Qasim

Nour Qasim uses her artwork to illustrate the magnificence of nature. 

“Eyes on Earth,” by Nour Qasim

For the 50th anniversary, she merges the concept of women’s beauty with a wild landscape. With “Eyes on Earth,” she intends to demonstrate that climate change affects more than just the natural world around us – it impacts humans, too.

Amal Obaid

Amal Obaid cares deeply about our planet. She never attended school, but she learned quickly the detrimental effects climate change will have on bird species.

“Save our Species,” by Amal Obaid

Obaid drew “Save our Species,” an artistic painting to save and protect our feathered friends.

Young artists are bringing energy and life to Earth Day 2020. And art will play as big of a role as it did on the first Earth Day back in 1970. The planet needs us now more than ever. On April 22, the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, join the largest digital mobilization for the environment, and sign up as an Artist for the Earth.