A data-driven portrait of America’s energy, climate, and environment
Published by USAFacts
April 15, 2020
Collaborating with Earth Day Network
in honor of Earth Day’s 50th Anniversary
Science and facts are the essential building blocks of environmental activism.
Earth Day Network is working in collaboration with the nonpartisan civic initiative, USAFacts, to share and disseminate USAFacts’ newly published State of the Earth special report.
Using data sourced from the Environmental Protection Agency, FEMA, the US National Park Service, USDA Forest Service Forest/Wildlife, the Energy Information Administration, and other government entities, the State of the Earth report delivers to all citizens information that is publicly available but rarely seen, analysed and understood.
Join with us as we explore this wealth of public data, shining a light on where we are as a nation and a planet, and creating an informed path forward.