Climate Literacy Communications Toolkit

Climate and Environmental Literacy Campaign Communications Toolkit

Thank you for taking part in this historic campaign. We greatly appreciate your help raising awareness for climate literacy, spreading the word amongst your networks, and urging your government to make climate literacy a core feature of school curriculum. 

In this document, you will find key messaging and research on climate literacy. The toolkit includes all necessary materials to write your own op-ed, post on social media, or send a note to your network. 




Combined with civic education, climate and environmental literacy will create jobs, build a green consumer market, and stimulate the economy. Climate education can also help foster a new generation of citizens with the interest and the skills needed for jobs in a growing green economy and that will make better sustainable consumer choices.

Supporting Research:

  • As found in the earlier NEETF/Roper surveys, two thirds of Americans say that environmental protection and economic development go hand-in-hand. The report states, “The many hands-on learning experiences that EE [environmental education] offers ultimately translate into job, career, and people skills.”

  • Through climate and environmental literacy in classrooms, students learn to care for the environment and value sustainable industries as well as green jobs. According to a 2014 study, individuals who value environmentally sustainable practices within a business will positively respond to opportunities for employment with such businesses. Since 92% of young job seekers show an interest in environmentally conscious businesses, businesses might become more successful in their hiring process if their company engages in green initiatives (Hanson-Rasmussen et al., 2014).

In order to combat the current climate crisis, mandatory and assessed climate and environmental literacy with a strong civic engagement component is essential. This powerful combination will produce an active citizenry invested in overcoming the climate emergency.

Supporting Research:

  • As stated in a 2016 article from the National Council for the Social Studies, an elementary curriculum that includes climate literacy can help students begin to understand the “implications of our growing human footprint on the environment and develop civic competency to ensure a sustainable climate for this and future generations.”

  • According to the 2005 NEETF Report, 87% of respondents stated they would like environmental education in schools to help children better understand environmental issues when they become adults. In 2000, 75% of adults said learning about the environment in school should be as important as math or English.

  • A 2019 study in Chengdu, China indicated that student participants had an overall high level of concern about environmental issues, and fairly strong knowledge on these topics, but not necessarily strong action. Environmental knowledge did not always link to environmental concern or behavior, which indicates a need for education that both inspires and enables personal and collective action.
  • “The fact that environmental knowledge did not, however, always link to environmental concern or behavior suggests that schools are not successfully addressing all components of environmental literacy. We suggest that, to encourage citizens to act on their knowledge and belief that the environment should be protected, school curricula should pay more attention to stressing the implications of environmental information, and to helping students translate the information into personally effective action.”

  • As Chen et al. stated in their 2011 study, “Education plays a key role because it may not only facilitate people’s understanding of environmental issues, hence improving people’s environmental knowledge, but also promote individuals’ realization of their own responsibility for the environment.”

  • In 2017, a study surveyed 200 13 and 15-year-old students from schools in Thessaloniki, Greece on climate literacy. There was a positive correlation between Verbal-Actual commitment indicating that the dimension of the students’ “intention” had a positive correlation with the actual commitment. The 13-year-olds had a higher intention to commit to the environment than the 15-year-olds which suggests that earlier environmental education could have a significant impact on future environmental commitments.


Climate Literacy Opinion Editorial (Op-Ed) Guidance

*Note: Keep Op-Eds between 500 and 1,000 words and personalize as much as possible. Check a publication’s website for the appropriate op-ed editor contact information.


The decades-long debate over climate change has had a particularly unfair impact on the world’s younger generation. Not only are they inheriting the massive and unprecedented problem of climate change, but most are not getting the right level of education to know what to do with this unfortunate inheritance. Given both the sharply rising risks and enormous opportunities to forge a different and prosperous future, building a climate-literate population is one of the biggest missed opportunities in the climate restoration game plan.

[Insert personal connect/how climate literacy could impact your location and/or industry]

Following the computer revolution, education systems across the world jumped into action to prepare their students with the knowledge and application they would need to be successful. This technology spurred governments to mandate critical computer education. Since then, it has led to job growth, a new field, and a booming economy. We must do the same with climate literacy. In order to prepare our youth for a new field, we must make sure every child is educated on the climate crisis and has the tools to address the issues.

The upcoming United Nations climate conference (COP26), co-hosted by the United Kingdom and Italy in Glasgow in November 2021, is the next big chance to turn the page. It is time that governments support quality, compulsory climate education as a core, integrated subject in school curricula worldwide coupled with teaching civic engagement skills. Climate education will unlock efforts towards sustainable consumerism and the creation of environmentally friendly goods and services while providing a building block towards supporting entrepreneurship and ensuring purposeful employment opportunities.

A new campaign coordinated by EARTHDAY.ORG and other leading institutions calls for governments to not only put compulsory climate education in their national Paris Agreement climate action plans, known as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), but to also assess their implementation and link what is learned in school with real-life civic engagement skill-building. Ultimately, climate and environmental literacy should be given the same importance as any core subject like mathematics, science, or history.

[restate personal connection paragraph]

Climate education is now imperative. It’s time to step up. It’s time to make a change.

Letter to the Editor (LTE) Guidance

Note: LTEs should be no more than 250 words. Check your local paper’s guidelines for submission.

The decades-long debate over climate change has had a particularly unfair impact on the world’s younger generation. Not only are they inheriting the massive and unprecedented problem of climate change, but most are not getting the right level of education to know what to do with this unfortunate inheritance. Given both the sharply rising risks and enormous opportunities to forge a different and prosperous future, building a climate-literate population is one of the biggest missed opportunities in the climate restoration game plan.

[Insert personal connection/how climate literacy could impact your location and/or industry]

The upcoming United Nations climate conference (COP26), co-hosted by the United Kingdom and Italy in Glasgow in November 2021, is the next big chance to turn the page. It is time that governments support quality, compulsory climate education as a core, integrated subject in school curricula worldwide coupled with teaching civic engagement skills. Climate education will unlock efforts towards sustainable consumerism and the creation of environmentally friendly goods and services while providing a building block towards supporting entrepreneurship and ensuring purposeful employment opportunities.

Climate education is now imperative. It’s time to step up. It’s time to make a change.

Letter to an Official Guidance

Note: This letter can be used for School Board Officials, City, County or State Government Officials, or other entities that can help influence education policy.

Dear Name/Title of Recipient,

Insert an introductory paragraph about you and your connection to the person you are addressing.

I am/We are writing to express my support for the urgent need for climate action in our community. The climate crisis is the most pressing issue that we face right now. It impacts all aspects of our life from the economy to national security to the food we eat and the water we drink. Though recent years have seen some progress toward addressing the causes and impacts of climate change, there is one key strategy that has been nearly completely absent. We need to educate youth.

I/We believe in the vital need for students to graduate from high school education as climate literate citizens who are critical, systems thinkers, ready to expand their knowledge and skills to be participants in a global, sustainable, circular economy. I/We recognize the importance of every grade level of education in teaching age-appropriate content and skills. It is also critical that each discipline plays a role in helping students see the connections of their everyday lives to the environment and building their efficacy and ability to be change agents in their communities.

I/We support the global Climate and Environmental Literacy Campaign coordinated through EARTHDAY.ORG to ensure that every student has access to compulsory, assessed climate and environmental education that has a strong emphasis on building civic skills. It is through this type of education, that breaks down traditional academic silos, that equips students with the 21st century skills that are required for success for a healthy and sustainable future.

I/We recognize the importance of preparing students for success in a constantly evolving green economy and job market that combines the most up to date technology skills with a well-rounded education that builds interpersonal and communication skills.

[Insert a personalized sentence or two about why you care about climate education. How would climate literate students impact your community/work? What specific actions would you like to see taken by your letter recipient?]

I/We ask that you join me/us in supporting the Climate and Environmental Literacy Campaign and agree to take bold action in ensuring our youth are educated and motivated with knowledge and skills to enact meaningful change and work toward a better future.

First and Last Name
Affiliation, Title



#Climate Literacy






Social media posts

  • EARTHDAY.ORG believes every school in the world must have compulsory, assessed climate and environmental education with a strong civic engagement component. Learn more about the worldwide campaign here:
    (Use a “A New Approach to Address Climate Change” graphic)

  • Compulsory and assessed #ClimateEducation can help foster a new generation of citizens with the interest and the skills needed for jobs in a growing #GreenEconomy. Learn how you can get involved in EARTHDAY.ORG’s climate literacy campaign:
    (Use “Together, we can make a change” graphic)

  • Join EARTHDAY.ORG as we fight for quality #ClimateEducation that will help generate jobs, stimulate the economy, and raise a new generation of educated citizens. To learn more about what you can do to help implement #ClimateLiteracy in schools all over the world, please visit:
    (Use “Join the Fight” Graphic)

  • #ClimateLiteracy can help combat the urgent climate emergency! Help us fight for global #ClimateEducation by joining EARTHDAY.ORG’s climate and environmental literacy campaign. Learn more here:
    (Use “Urgent” Graphic)

  • This year, EARTHDAY.ORG launched a new initiative to secure climate literacy commitments from every country in the world. So far, over 450 organizations representing over 100 countries have signed on to their letter to the UNFCCC Executive Secretary to request governments make climate education compulsory, assessed and linked to civic engagement. These groups are dedicated to climate action, education, green jobs, health and more. Learn how you can get involved:
    (Use “Commitment Map” graphic)

  • I believe every school in the world should have compulsory, assessed climate and environmental education with a strong civic engagement component. That’s why I partnered with EARTHDAY.ORG to help create a world in which environmental education is just as important as math or english. See how you can get involved here:
    (Use “Demand Action Now” Graphic)

  • I am excited to be a part of the EARTHDAY.ORG’s climate literacy campaign, which focuses on combining civic education with climate and environmental literacy. This movement will ultimately create jobs, build a green consumer market, and stimulate the economy. To learn more about the initiative, please visit:
    (Use “Together, we can make a change” Graphic)

  • Help students, educators, and nonprofits around the world ignite an education revolution to save the planet through our climate and environmental literacy! EARTHDAY.ORG’s campaign focuses on providing students worldwide with high quality education so that they develop into informed and engaged environmental stewards. Learn how you can make a difference here:
    (Use “Together, we can make a change” Graphic)

  • Introducing climate literacy into schools can help build an active citizenry ready to combat the urgent climate crisis. I have partnered with EARTHDAY.ORG to help make this a reality. To learn more about the movement and what you can do to get involved, visit:
    (Use “Urgent” Graphic)

  • Climate education can help foster a new generation of citizens with the interest and the skills needed for jobs in a growing #GreenEconomy. In order to get there, we must urge our leaders to mandate compulsory climate education coupled with civic engagement. Learn how you can get involved:

  • This year, EARTHDAY.ORG launched a new initiative to secure climate literacy commitments from every country in the world. So far, over 450 organizations representing over 100 countries have signed on to their letter to the UNFCCC Executive Secretary to request governments make climate education compulsory, assessed and linked to civic engagement. These groups are dedicated to climate action, education, green jobs, health and more. Learn how you can get involved:

  • EARTHDAY.ORG has launched a new initiative to secure climate literacy commitments from every country in the world. So far, over 450 organizations representing over 100 countries have signed on to their letter to the UNFCCC Executive Secretary to request governments make climate education compulsory, assessed and linked to civic engagement. This movement will ultimately create jobs, build a green consumer market, and stimulate the economy. Sign on to the letter here:

  • Help students, educators, and nonprofits around the world ignite an education revolution to save the planet through our climate and environmental literacy! EARTHDAY.ORG’s campaign focuses on providing students worldwide with high quality education so that they develop into informed and engaged environmental stewards. Sign on to the letter and learn how you can make a difference here:

Learn more about our climate literacy campaign

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