Climate Action

Start Self-Care Day the Right Way

Everyone loves a good doughnut, or a good sleep-in snooze without a blaring alarm clock in your ear. The idea of exercising? Or eating a plate full of salad with barely any dressing? Maybe not so much. Surprisingly enough, recent studies show more than 50% of people who go on a simple walk or jog say they feel better about themselves afterward. Finding a balance between the “guilty pleasures” of life and healthy habits are often difficult for people to figure out. 

National Self-Care Day is designed to remind everyone of how important good physical, mental, and emotional health are. Here are some tips to practice great self-care starting today, and continuing every day after:

  • Puttin’ a Pep in Your Step

We get it…no one likes a treadmill, but how about cycling? Walking your dog outside? Goat yoga? In quite simple terms, movement greatly influences mood. 

Science shows a simple walk can reduce stress and depressive symptoms by increasing blood circulation and the release of endorphins,which are known to improve mental health. In particular, one study showed people who exercised two to three times a week were significantly happier, experiencing less anger and stress compared to those who did not exercise during the week.

Taking care of yourself also helps take care of our environment. Thanks to innovative technology, human energy can be transformed into power for gadgets such as a smartphone, watch, television, etc. Pedal-powered generators, for example, can harness the energy created by someone pedaling on a bicycle to charge a phone! 

  • Snooze or Lose

Sleep is essential for good health, both physically and mentally. It is essential to prioritize getting enough sleep each night to keep your mind and body functioning at its best. Getting enough sleep also reduces your reliance on caffeine and energy drinks, which can be harmful to your health and the environment. Studies show people who drink coffee up to 6 hours ahead of bedtime can push back your ability to sleep by at least 1 hour. By time-managing your sleep, both you, and the environment around you will sleep happier and healthier.

  • Dare I Say…Put the Phone Away

When I first heard my friend tell me she puts her phone away for two hours a day, I considered it a crime. How is one supposed to do anything anymore without the help of technology?

Studies actually show disconnecting from social media for as little as thirty minutes a day can reduce feelings of loneliness, jealousy, and stress caused by online platforms. More so, the time spent away from technology can be spent in areas many people are lacking in, such as sleep, exercise, in-person interactions, and even cleaning your home. As there is a direct inverse relationship with technology use and connection to the outdoors, even going outside for a few minutes a day to go on a walk without your phone can significantly improve health and lifestyle. 

  • Steer Clear

Transportation is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. If possible, use public transportation or carpool to reduce your carbon footprint. Walking or biking is also an excellent way to get exercise while reducing your environmental impact. Studies show that choosing a bike over a vehicle once a day can reduce the average person’s carbon emissions by over 67% each year. 

Make taking care of yourself a priority. By practicing good self-care, you can also contribute to the protection and preservation of the planet. By Investing In Our Planet, you can become one of the frontline advocates in the fight to make a global impact. While these can be just small steps of change in your life, together we can make giant advances in the health of our minds, bodies, and environment.
