Climate Action

Earth Day Network Welcomes Ruling Upholding EPA Air Pollutant Standards

Earth Day Network Welcomes Ruling Upholding EPA Air Pollutant Standards Statement of Earth Day Network

Earth Day Network applauds yesterday’s decision by a federal appeals court to uphold the EPA’s air quality standards for mercury and other toxic air pollutants that come from power plants. The ruling represents a significant victory for public health and well-being. “Mercury, arsenic, lead and other hazardous pollutants pose a real threat to our families and our communities. And like other environmental hazards, they affect low-income and underserved communities the most,” said Kathleen Rogers, president of Earth Day Network. “Today’s ruling is an important step towards protecting the public from these toxins. We welcome this ruling and look forward to its quick and effective implementation.” While the ruling has drawn the ire of some industry groups, the facts speak for themselves. The air quality improvements are estimated to bring $37 billion to $90 billion in public health benefits each year. 540,000 missed work days, 130,000 asthma attacks, and up to 11,000 premature deaths could be avoided this year because the ruling, according to estimates. We all deserve clean and toxin-free air to breathe. This ruling will help us get there.


Earth Day Network mobilizes over one billion people in 192 countries through year-round advocacy, education, public policy and consumer campaigns to protect the environment.