The resources you need to make a difference on your campus.
Campus Organizing Toolkit
Organizing is all about developing leadership in others, working alongside those leaders to build a “community of action” and harnessing that community to achieve a certain outcome.
Teach-In Toolkit
Teach-ins play a significant role in providing communities with the knowledge they need to advocate for a cleaner, more secure future. Use this toolkit to plan an effective teach-in that will bring your community together and build capacity to make change!
Make Climate A Class
Educators can take immediate steps to prepare their students by dedicating a whole or partial class to discussing environmental issues in their topic of study.
Indigenous Leadership Toolkit
The Indigenous Leadership Toolkit is a resource and a guide for non-Indigenous people to use when organizing with Indigenous people and communities
International Indigenous Youth Council
The International Indigenous Youth Council (IIYC) was started and led by womxn and two-spirit peoples during the Standing Rock Indigenous Uprising of 2016 while peacefully protecting the Cannonball and Missouri Rivers against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Earth Day 2024
Our environmental legacy is a testament to the power of collective action, and it calls upon individuals, businesses, governments, and the private sector to join hands in safeguarding our planet. Now, more than ever, we must step up our efforts to combat climate change, protect biodiversity, and preserve our ecosystems. Join us today and fight for a sustainable and thriving future.
Supporters Spotlight
Kimberly H - Canopy Project Donor
"If we each donate a little and do our part, it will add up to make a better world for all living things."
Patricia M - Canopy Project Donor
"It supports the fight against climate change which aids at risk wildlife.."
Caroll K - Donor
"The public must be educated re climate change."
Fawaz B - Donor
"Investing in Earthday can promote sustainability, address environmental challenges, and contribute to a better future."
Jill N - Member
" We all need to do our part to protect our planet and everything that resides in it."
Elina H - Member
"I care about the future of the planet and life on it beyond my own generation."
Colleen M - Volunteer
" I want to leave a little part of the world better than it was when I arrived."
Luiza A - Volunteer
" We must keep this beautiful planet for future generations of all species. We cannot destroy such a gift !"
Madelyn V - Volunteer
"I am passionate about nature and taking care of this beautiful planet!"