vs. Plastics
Planet vs. Plastics
For Earth Day 2024 on April 22nd, EARTHDAY.ORG is unwavering in our commitment to end plastics for the sake of human and planetary health, demanding a 60% reduction in the production of ALL plastics by 2040.
Health Risk
Plastics are a danger to humanity and all living creatures, disrupting the delicate balance of life on Earth.
Demand Change
Rapidly phase out all single use plastics, urgently push for a strong UN Treaty on Plastic Pollution, and call for an end to fast fashion.
Innovative Solutions
Investing in innovative technologies and materials to build a plastic-free world.
Babies vs. Plastics
This report, the first of five such reports, offers an over-view of some of the latest research studying the impacts of microplastics on the health of young babies and children.
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Poster Competition Winners
Last October, EARTHDAY.ORG, invited students across the US to visualize our theme for Earth Day 2024, Planet vs. Plastics. We have the great honor of announcing our two exceptional winners. Luke, won the 5-17 age category while Teague won the 18+ category. Congratulations to everyone who entered and thank you for supporting EARTHDAY.ORG with your wonderful creativity

Luke P.B