
Which type of plastic waste is most commonly found in mountain regions, contributing significantly to plastic pollution?

couple by mountains
Correct! Wrong!

Plastic packaging materials are often a major contributor to plastic pollution in mountainous areas due to their widespread use and difficulty in recycling. While all types of waste have been found in mountain ranges, plastics are in the highest abundance at high altitudes.

In mountain regions, what environmental impact is exacerbated by plastic pollution, affecting wildlife and ecosystems?

mountain and river
Correct! Wrong!

Plastic pollution in mountainous areas can lead to water contamination, affecting aquatic life and ecosystems downstream. Mountains serve as the top of watersheds, meaning all the water that accumulates there will make its way into other waterways. As we pollute this water, it has the ability to contaminate other water sources away from the mountain where it originates.

Which mountain range has been identified as one of the most affected areas by plastic pollution, threatening its natural beauty and biodiversity?

Correct! Wrong!

Mount Everest has been particularly impacted by plastic pollution, posing a significant threat to the region's unique biodiversity and pristine landscapes. While this is the highest mountain range in the world, microplastics have still been found in ice cores near its peak. With tourists frequenting the slopes, they may leave behind trash, and synthetic fabrics tend to shed trace amounts of fibers as they’re worn.

How many tons of plastic are polluted in cities each year?

person cleaning up in a city
Correct! Wrong!

Urban plastic pollution accounts for 75% of the total plastic pollution. Oftentimes plastic waste gets into the environment through littering or unintended release during the waste management process. The Philippines as a whole produces about ⅓ of plastic pollution currently in the ocean.

What are some of the ways that cities are reducing their plastic pollution?

hand holding plastic bottles
Correct! Wrong!

55 countries around the world have banned the use of plastic bags and more than 300 US towns and cities have as well. This encourages the use of reusable bags and makes citizens think twice about other single use plastic in their everyday lives. Many cities in the US now have stores where customers can refill containers with essentials like detergent, grains, and other household items, cutting down on plastic waste from product packaging.

How many total plastic pieces are currently estimated to be in our oceans?

beach sunset with plastic
Correct! Wrong!

As much as 171 trillion pieces of plastic can be found in our oceans today. Not only do millions of tons of plastic make its way into our oceans each year, but much of this plastic breaks into tinier and tinier pieces the longer it stays in the environment—making it increasingly difficult to remove.

Which of the following is the least frequent way in which plastics harm marine life?

plastic on a beach
Correct! Wrong!

While suffocation, entanglement, and ingestion are some of the most visible impacts of plastic pollution on marine life, transportation of invasives is another lesser known impact of plastic pollution. Beyond this, plastics that come into contact with marine life can also cause internal and external wounds, infection, and even reduced ability to swim.

What percent of trash in the ocean is plastic?

plastic on a beach
Correct! Wrong!

Plastics are currently by far the most prevalent kind of pollution in our oceans today, making up 80% of ocean pollutants. This plastic, all sourced from on-land, makes its way to the ocean in a multitude of ways from littering, to poor stormwater management, to illegal dumping. Plastics can also be found on the shoreline of every continent worldwide, especially near high population areas.

Which of the following is the LEAST efficient way of protecting our landscapes from plastic pollution?

bales of trash
Correct! Wrong!

On average, only about 9% of the plastics that make it to the recycling bin actually wind up getting recycled. That’s a lot of waste! While recycling is not the best method of removing plastic from ecosystems, we can reduce the amount we use in our everyday lives. By using reusable grocery bags, we can remove the need for single use plastic bags all together. A refillable water bottle will completely replace the need to buy plastic water bottles as well. By growing your own produce, you can cut down on the use of plastic packaging that is used on most foods in the grocery store; it also tastes good!

Plastic Planet Quiz
Beginner Landscaper

planet in plastic

Nice job! You are a Beginner Landscaper. You know plastics are causing an issue around the world. It seems you want to make a change, but don’t yet know exactly how. That’s okay! There are plenty of ways you can make the world a greener place, and today is a great time to start! Take the quiz again to learn how.

globe and plastic

Wow! You are a Plasti-Expert. From mountains to the coast, you sure know how to reduce your plastic footprint on the environment. Perhaps you already know some of the impacts of plastic pollution on our landscapes. However, your path to Plasticonnoisseur is still incomplete. Try the quiz one more time to reach your fullest plastential!

globe in plastic over trash can

Great work! You are a Plasticonnoisseur. You really must love the environment! You likely use reusable products to reduce your own plastic use and convince others to do the same. Keep bringing awareness to the plasticosis impacting the planet. If there’s plastic, you sure aren’t using it!

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