Climate Action
SynergY is going big for Earth Day in Dubai
March 27, 2015
Simran Vedvyas
Founder SynergY
Youth Ambassador Plant for the Planet
Global Champion Earth Hour 2015
The Earth Day Network is happy to partner with SynergY the Dubai Municipality, Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), Accor and Goumbook as the organizations promote energy conservation, environmental education, and youth leadership during this Earth Day season.
Simran Vedvyas founded SynergY as a student, and since its inception the youth advocacy group has spread, making a great impact in Dubai’s community most notably through the Earth Hour campaign and the Plant for the Planet campaign.
The recent Plant for the Planet campaign by Accor Hotels and Goumbook aims to plant 1000 native Ghaf trees through the Give a Ghaf Tree Planting Programin various landfills in the UAE during this year. The first event of the Plant for the Planet campaign was held on February 28th, planting 100 trees at Al Warsan Landfill in Dubai and the next event is upcoming in April, in the occasion of Earth Day, both with the support of Dubai Municipality.
Previous planting efforts coordinated by Vedvyas and the Dubai Municipality have been wildly successful in educating the citizens, especially students, about environmental degradation and how they can reduce their environmental impact. In 2013, more than 1000 trees were planted and students from over 25 institutions and schools in Dubai were involved in the educational experience. Dubai Municipality is regarded as one of the largest governmental institutions in the U.A.E, providing countless services for the community and promoting the green evolution in Dubai. The senior officials from Dubai Municipality welcome the community participation and find time to be present during the tree plantation work at the landfill, encouraging and motivating the youngsters toward a green future.
Less than a month before Earth Day, Earth Hour will be hosted on March 28th. This is a significant environmental initiative worldwide, during which millions of people across the globe gather to spread awareness. SynergY will participate by setting up a booth and many interactive activities to raise awareness supported by Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), under the patronage of HH Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of Dubai Executive Council. The event is held in partnership with Dubai Supreme Council of Energy (DSCE) and Emirates Wildlife Society (EWS), which works in association with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), and in cooperation with Dubai Properties Group. Last year’s Earth Hour campaign involved 7000 cities all around the globe. The event is huge in Dubai, and also makes waves on an international scale. The event forms a platform for the rulers of UAE and local authorities to reach-out to the community about environmental awareness.
This year, SynergY along with its partners and supporters find this network and public forum appropriate to speak about the environment in conjunction with the Global Day of Conversation campaign. During this time, SynergY will also include student workshops and “mini- educational academies.”
The message that we are hoping to spread is summed up by Simran Vedvyas:
“As a youth living in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and an environmentalist, I understand the situation and crisis that the world is facing today with increased energy demands and depleting energy resources. The solutions and action to deal with the predicament are not enough. Some of us are convincing as we make resolutions towards a greener future but the results have to be more promising. This is why youth like me, are determined to make a change by collaborating efforts to walk on the path towards sustainability. By participating in events like Earth Hour and Earth Day in Dubai, we join to support the international efforts which aim at minimizing carbon emissions and greenhouse gases, and environmental pollution, providing sustainable solutions for global warming and climate change, as well as protecting the environment and preserving natural resources for generations to come.
Earth Hour is just 60 minutes. It’s for the benefit of our ‘Mother Earth’.Use your power to change climate change – because everyone has the power to change the world.”
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