Climate Action
A Gift that Gives Back: T-Shirts to Protect Our Species
December 5, 2018
Alone in nature? No way! We’re sharing our planet with 8.7 million species. That’s 6.5 million species on land and 2.2 million in our oceans.
All of these species create the interconnected web of life upon which human life depends. But today, up to half of all species are threatened by climate change.
Rising sea levels and warmer oceans. Droughts, fires and floods. Our planet’s biodiversity is threatened by climate change caused by humans.
That’s why Earth Day Network is working to protect our species. And we need your help. Donate to protect our species and we’ll send you the gift of a limited edition sustainable T-shirt.
- Land-dwelling species have declined by 40% since 1970.
- Marine animal populations have fallen by 40%.
- Birds populations are down 25%.
- Freshwater animals have plummeted 75% since 1970.
- 50% of the world’s coral reefs have died in the last 30 years.