Everyone accounted for, and everyone accountable.
For the first time in history, governments, citizens, and businesses have aligned on a global level to protect our Earth. This year’s Earth Day theme: Invest in Our Planet, focuses on accelerating solutions to combat climate change. Brought to you by EARTHDAY.ORG, the global organizer of Earth Day, Invest in Our Planet means everyone accounted for, and everyone accountable.
One billion individuals participate in Earth Day activities globally. This year–along with governments, institutions, and businesses–we recognize our collective responsibility and will work together to accelerate the transition to an equitable, prosperous green economy for all.
We are pushing aside the barriers erected by an archaic fossil fuel economy and technologies of centuries past, and redirecting our attention to creating an economy rooted in hope that will bring back the health of our planet, protect our species, and provide opportunities for all.
In partnership with mission-aligned businesses, we can reframe the conversation, accelerate action, and bring We The People together to understand that this is within our reach if we work together.
Planet Earth needs you, your leadership, your influence, your innovation, and your commitment to act now.
Invest In Our Planet. What Will You Do?
Corporate Engagement Opportunities
Climate Leadership Gala | April 22, 2022
Join your industry peers, NGO executives, global policy makers, influencers, and talent to celebrate climate achievements, track progress, and exchange ideas over an intimate dinner, reception, and awards ceremony at the historic Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C.. Gala partnerships range from reception sponsorship and underwriting, exhibition space in the stunning Mayflower Promenade, large-scale displays under the porte-cochere, onsite branding, and recognition on all communications.
We invite you to exhibit with us, screen an onstage film clip, include swag in a gift bag, and/or sponsor (or donate) a company table for yourselves or a local community group meaningful to your business. Sponsorships of the Climate Leadership Gala begin at $10,000. Please contact [email protected] to learn more.
20 MILLION virtual impressions (based on the Earth Day 2020 event)
275,000 average attendance at previous Earth Day on the National Mall Events
32 average age of attendees at previous Earth Day on the National Mall Events
2 MILLION the number of visits every Earth Day
1 BILLION the number of people that participate in Earth Day activities yearly
Other Ways to Engage in Earth Day 2022
Our team is here to inspire and support your Earth Day engagement initiatives. Below are ideas on how to engage your employees, consumers, and leadership for Earth Day this year, as well as program investment opportunities.
Ninety percent of employees working at companies with a strong sense of purpose say they’re more inspired, motivated, and loyal (source). Your employees have chosen you, and your commitment to a cleaner future is one of the many reasons they will stay with you. Engage them on Earth Day with one of the following ideas:
- Organize a cleanup for your employees. We make it easy for you to plan or join an event that can bring together each member of your team, regardless of their physical location. Launch an Earth Day clean up event and register it with us to be part of worldwide celebrations.
- Plant a tree for every employee this Earth Day. Our signature tree planting campaign, The Canopy Project, focuses on climate-vulnerable communities where the potential for impact at scale is greatest. As little as $1 helps plants a tree. Get started here.
- Feature EARTHDAY.ORG on your employee giving platform during the month of April, and inspire your team to donate with a 1:1 matching incentive or seed grant. EARTHDAY.ORG is a registered 501c3 nonprofit with a 4-star rating on Charity Navigator.
- Turn Earth Day into Earth Month, with each week dedicated to supporting the climate movement. For example:
- Week 1: help grow our Billion of Acts of Green by inspiring employees to take action on a climate cause meaningful to them.
- Week 2: encourage employees to make small personal changes this week that collectively make a big difference, like shorter showers, eating plant-based meals, or using a refillable water bottle.
- Week 3: help employees get into the philanthropic spirit by running your donation matching campaign during a set week of April, just in time for the global celebration on April 22.
- Week 4: make it easy for your employees to share their Earth Month adventures with you, and use this week to share out with your networks.
Recent studies reveal that more than one-third of global consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable products. As demand grows for environmentally friendly alternatives and companies race to innovate within while acquiring new customers, loyalty is on the line. One way companies can set themselves apart is to demonstrate their leadership and commitment to climate action through consumer marketing and product sales. Engage your consumers around Earth Day with one of the following activations:
- Launch a cause promotion in support of EARTHDAY.ORG. There are many types of cause campaigns to consider, and we’re happy to help you find the right one (i.e. donation with purchase, free action social campaigns, buy one give one, etc.) Please contact [email protected] for donation minimums related to use of logo and marks.
- Contact us to learn about licensing of Earth Day marks. We’re happy to consider this type of partnership for mission aligned partners that have been vetted.
- Engage customers on your social channels. Ask them to post a video of their Earth Day activities, to take action on a petition, or tag you and EARTHDAY.ORG for a chance to win a company prize and trigger a donation to EDO.
Industry leadership drives change. We welcome the opportunity to discuss annual partnerships that engage your executive team on sustainable practices you are leading. With a virtual network of 20 million strong, EARTHDAY.ORG is poised to help you elevate your sustainability messaging through our online network, in-person opportunities at climate changing events like the upcoming UN Climate Conference (COP27) this November. Contact [email protected] to learn more.
Corporate Giving
Like other economic revolutions, you’re the inventors, innovators, leaders, and investors that are most likely to drive significant change. Every day, we drive meaningful action for our planet across climate literacy, reforestation, food and the environment, conservation and restoration, and climate action. By investing in these programs, you are helping our global team to work with local communities on projects that are moving the needle on climate change. Contact [email protected] for corporate grant inquiries.
Share your story with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.