Statement from Earth Day Network
We are at the precipice of what could be a moment of great courage, a moment when the status quo becomes unacceptable to all of us. Or we can fall back once the moment passes, without ever responding to the threats that face our country: never-ending racism, ever-growing inequality and systemic poverty.
Staring back at us from our screens is the latest episode of brutal violence against our black and brown communities. No one should look away. Last week it was George Floyd; and before him, Ahmaud Arbery; and before him, Michael Brown; and before him, Trayvon Martin; and before him, centuries of countless senseless acts of violence against people simply because they were black.
All this has been exacerbated by the astonishing betrayal and heartlessness of our leaders, who have failed to demonstrate that they are prepared or even want to lead us out of injustice, poverty or inequality.
We must remain resilient and resolute in our fight for a just and equitable future for all. This November, we have a chance to end the violence and replace it with justice. We each have one vote. But together, we have millions.
Stand Up. Speak Up. Show Up.