Environmental Education
Education Resource Library
Resources for classroom, at-home and community learning
Browse our resources to guide your environmental education lessons and stewardship activities on Earth Day and throughout the year. These resources can be adapted to a variety of ages and settings.
For exclusive resources and inspiring project ideas
NEW! Restore Our Earth
Climate Education Week toolkit
Explore 5 days of activities on ecosystem services, the carbon cycle, food sustainability, ecosystem restoration and civic engagement. Use these activities to engage throughout Earth Week, or anytime throughout the year!

NEW! Advocacy Packets
This series of packets will walk students through the process of implementing change in their community. Created by students, for students, these packets are packed with background information, ideas and sample letters to send to stakeholders.

Earth Day 2025
Tuesday, April 22, 2025 is the 55th anniversary of Earth Day. We invite everyone to support Earth Day’s 2025 theme: OUR POWER, OUR PLANET™.

NEW! Host a Teach-In
The first Earth Day was a nationwide Teach-In. Host an event to address critical environmental and social issues in your community. Use our brand new Restore Our Earth grab bags to help plan your teach-in.

Climate Civics Toolkit
Explore 5 days of activities to learn about climate and environmental issues, the communities they impact and how to take civic action!

Environmental History Timelines
Use these resources to explore how environmental science, justice and activism has progressed through time. Edit the PowerPoint to add in local examples and add your plans to make history!

Lesson Plans
Use these Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced activities along with the Global Earth Challenge app to explore these environmental topics.

Pollinator Toolkits
Find out how pollinators shape the world around you and how you can protect them!

Test your knowledge on biodiversity, climate change, plastic pollution, deforestation, clean energy and more.

Earth Day action menus
Whether you are planning activities on April 22nd or stewardship events throughout the year, these menus will give your organization ideas for events and action items on species protection, food sustainability, plastic pollution, climate change and more!

Resources from our partners
EARTHDAY.ORG™ is proud of partner with a number of organizations around the world who are as dedicated to science and climate literacy as we are! Explore their online lessons, activities, videos and games.
Higher Education Resources
Environmental Education
Reading list

Not for me, please!: I choose to act green Paperback by Maria Godsey

What a Waste: Trash, Recycling, and Protecting our Planet (Protect the Planet) by Jess French

The Adventures of a Plastic Bottle: A Story About Recycling (Little Green Books) by Alison Inches

Compost Stew: An A to Z Recipe for the Earth by Mary McKenna Siddals

Save the Scraps (Save the Earth) by Bethany Stahl


Earth Ninja: A Children’s Book About Recycling, Reducing, and Reusing (Ninja Life Hacks) by Mary Nhin

Steve and Eve Save the Planet: I Can Hear Your Heart Beep (Book 1) by Paul Shore and Deborah Katz
Middle School

Haven Jacobs Saves the Planet by by Barbara Dee

World Without Fish by Mark Kurlansky

The Incredible Ecosystems of Planet Earth by Rachel Ignotofsky

Going Blue: A Teen Guide to Saving Our Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, & Wetlands by Cathryn Berger Kaye M.A.

Our World Out of Balance: Understanding Climate Change and What We Can Do by Andrea Minoglio

Old Enough to Save the Planet (Changemakers) by Loll Kirby

The Green Teen: The Eco-Friendly Teen's Guide to Saving the Planet by Jenn Savedge
High School

Climate Justice: Hope, Resilience, and the Fight for a Sustainable Future By Mary Robinson

The Day the World Stops Shopping by J. B. MacKinnon

The Optimistic Environmentalist: Progressing Toward a Greener Future By David R. Boyd

Where the Water Goes: Life and Death Along the Colorado River By David Owen

Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Eat for the Planet: Saving the World One Bite at a Time by Nil Zacharias

Wild Hope: On the Front Lines of Conservation Success by Andrew Balmford